Michele completed her first Boston Marathon on April 15, 2019. We caught up with her to hear all about her experience.
First thing's first: were you happy with your race overall?
My race didn’t go as planned or as well as I hoped, but it was still an amazing experience! I felt like I was running effortlessly until about mile 17 and then started to cramp. The last 9 miles were pretty painful; I was very happy to see the finish line! Of course I wish I had run a faster time, but I consider a finish a win anyway!
What was the most memorable part of the race?
It was awesome to watch disabled veterans and visually impaired runners competing! Their strength, spirit and patriotism are very inspiring. The energy from the crowd was incredible! It was amazing to see the support along the course from the Bostonians and so many other people visiting the city.
What's one thing you would change if you could?
I would change my finish time and make it about 20-25 minutes faster ;). On a serious note, my experience was almost perfect! It was a great weekend. I explored Boston with some good friends, ate delicious food, toured some breweries and ran the Boston Marathon! If I went back to Boston with a goal to run faster, I would probably relax more before the race and do less sightseeing. This year’s experience was so much fun, it really didn’t matter that I didn’t have the race that I wanted.
How would you sum up the experience of running Boston to someone who has never done it before?
It’s a giant running party! The race brings together people of different races, cultures and ethnicities, with differing opinions and different backgrounds. We are all held together by our love for running and this creates an amazing sense of community. I enjoyed feeling the excitement and energy of the city. The race for me was a celebration of running and being American!
What's next for you? Any new running/fitness goals?
I plan to take a break from running for several months. I look forward to spending more time on my bike and doing more yoga. I am hoping to compete in a cycling or mountain bike race this fall!
Good luck, Michele! Thanks for sharing your experience.