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FITS is committed to accessibility, including making the shopping and service experience available to all of our customers. We strive to ensure our website content is accessible and user-friendly. If you are having any difficulty viewing or navigating the content on this website, or notice any feature or functionality that you believe is not fully accessible to people with disabilities, please call our Customer Service team at 888-421-3487. We take your feedback seriously and will consider it as we evaluate ways to accommodate all of our customers and our overall accessibility policies. Additionally, while we do not control such vendors, we do encourage vendors of third-party digital content to provide content that is accessible and user-friendly.
Our website may contain links to other sites operated by third parties or incorporate third-party services provided via software or plugins. Areas of our site where we know these plugins to be present are at checkout, the store locator page, the pro deal page, collection pages, and our lead generation sign-up forms. If you need assistance using this content, please contact us at